Thursday, June 4, 2009

Here a billion, there a billion...

It just angers me every time I see our "president" on TV, read about him or just a mention of him. I've never felt such hopelessness and sadness for our country as I do now. You're not suppose to dislike (I choose not use the word "hate") your leader of the free world (and I use the term "free" loosely); are you? I mean I was disgusted by Bill Clinton for what he did to tarnished the presidency with his indiscretions and I know he's not the first, but dislike? No...!

Yes, our president is a cool cat, even in his walk with a little bit of jive. However, a great deal of us are looking for something a bit more substantial. One of his latest tasks is tackling the lack of adequate and affordable health insurance.

Congress is proposing that mandatory insurance be provided to all Americans and how do you propose we do that? Making employers pay for the cost. Well, being that we're self employed, I have a huge issue with that!! In my household we currently pay our own insurance and I hate having that monthly premium withdrawn from my account every month but like all insurance you have to have it -- just in case--. In addition, we have children and with that it's not even an option to not have health coverage; so who do we go to be able to afford it? Ummmm, let's see...let me look around...wait let me get to a mirror...oh, that's who - Me, Myself and I!

I'm all for taking care of our employees because a happy employee makes for a happy company but we have also chosen to put their pay scale at a higher rate so they too can afford to pay for their own insurance.

There has been one component missing from this current administration and that's "ACCOUNTABILITY".

Mr. Obama was quoted as saying, “If we are going to make people responsible for owning health insurance, we must make health care affordable,” Ok, so why don't we work on making health care professionals charge at a decent rate? I have personally experienced how outrageous doctor visit charges are and even questioned my children's pediatrician recently on a bill I received. We were there for a minimum of 10 minutes with the doctor (but of course waited for her to show up in the room another 20 minutes) and our bill came to $104.00! Now in the grand scheme of things; it's $104.00 and we're fortunate enough to be able to afford that; but for some families that's a utility bill or money for groceries - it could be detrimental!

Do the math, that doctor makes $624.00 an hour billing at that rate!! I'm not saying that they don't deserve it and do not by any means belittle their time or profession. However, if you really want to get a grip on rising medical costs; let's start there!

I'm all for capitalism and the pursuit of happiness but when I have to start making the money and then giving it to everyone else to pursue their happiness while they sponge off of the government; we have a problem!

The rest of us are out there working towards the American Dream just to watch it be taken away by a man in power who thinks that the solution is "share the wealth". Forget about the ones that are working hard, sacrificing and living within our means! Nobody twisted your arm to buy that house, car, tv or rack up your credit cards...right? Why are we obligated to bail you out?

What eventually will happen is if it's mandated that employers provide health insurance coverage for their employees; small businesses such as ourselves will have to offset that cost by lowering the employees pay grade and that's pretty much a given.

Does anyone see the big pictures or are we just groovin' along with the obama-nation?


Thomas Family said...

Politics....hate 'em! Based on your comments on FB, I knew you had strong feelings about this.

I am a bit scared to see what the long-term effect of this bailout plan will be.

A Blogging Babcock said...

Love the blog Becky! Hopefully the sheep in the nation will get a clue to what is going on.

BB said...

Sharon, thanks for commenting and I know you may not agree with what I have to say but that's why I started this blog. It is somewhat therapeutic as far as venting and releasing all frustrations of what is happening to our once great country!

You should be scared about what the long term effects these changes will have on us and most importantly your children and mine! They're inheriting a trillion dollar deficit!!! Our dollar is worth virtually nothing anymore...